Brief Facts
Further Reading

General Information

German National Tourist Board General information on Germany.

Germany Online Information on politics, culture, business and economy and travel.

Schwarzwald.de Accommodation, resorts and events. Not all the information is in English.

Schwarzwald Tourist Association The Black Forest Tourist Association site offers information in German, English and French.

Travel to Germany Some useful tips for planning your trip; accommodation, rental cars, etc.

Northern Black Forest

Baden-Baden An attractive town, renowned for its casino and mineral waters.

Baiersbronn A good base for a walking holiday. The town enjoys a high reputation for the quality of its accommodation and cuisine.

Ettlingen The English language info on this site is a bit sparse at present. For information on events, restaurants and accommodation refer to the German pages.

Karlsruhe A small city on the northern edge of the region.Quite informative site. Online reservation of  hotels is possible.

Oberkirch Nowhere in Germany are there so many schnapps (fruit brandy) distilleries as around here. Also a good stop for wine lovers.

Central Black Forest

Freudenstadt A good base for the northern and central regions of the Black Forest.

Schonach A small town near Triberg. Home of the world’s second largest cuckoo clock.

Southern Black Forest

Bad Saeckingen The site contains useful information in English on such topics as sightseeing, leisure activities and accommodation.

Donaueschingen  Of interest here is the so-called Donauquelle (source of the River Danube). In October there is a festival of contemporary music.

Feldberg Good walking in the vicinity of the region’s highest peak. Popular among skiers in winter too.

Freiburg The official city site is, at present, mainly in German.

Loerrach A base for those who want to do a bit of border hopping to Switzerland. Cheaper than staying in Basle.

Schluchsee Tourist resort on shores of largest lake in the Forest.

Titisee The town on the lake of the same name has been somewhat spoiled by tourism. Visit during the week and ignore the souvenir shops.

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